Physical Education

Mrs. Leyva 
 Mrs. Leyva

Physical Education Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Welcome to a new year of Physical Education at Lake Whitney Elementary!  We are excited to be your child’s physical education teachers and look forward to teaching your child the physical education/health standards that will help them become more confident, healthy, and fit student. 

Reminders for PE

  • Students are required to have 150 minutes of PE per week. Please make us aware (in writing) of any special situations with your child as they relate to PE (Example: asthma, injury, etc.). Students will meet the same 3 days a week for PE class.
  • Water Bottles: Please send a water bottle with your child that they may bring to PE. Because of Covid-19 restrictions, we cannot allow students to drink from the fountains. It is extremely hot in the beginning/ending of the school year and students must have a way to replenish their water. Breaks for water are given about every 15 minutes and anytime a student asks for water. We suggest putting your child’s name on the bottle to avoid confusion. We have outdoor water bottle filling stations available and students are instructed to refill their water when they need it.
  • ClothingStudents need comfortable clothing that will allow them to move freely, jump, roll, throw, etc.  We ask that girls refrain from wearing dresses on PE days or wear shorts underneath so they can participate fully in the activity of the day. When the weather is hot students should dress so that they do not overheat since we are outside. If your child is bothered by the grass, consider wearing long socks that they can pull up while in the field.
  • Shoes/safety: Keeping your child safe and injury free is our first priority. Shoes should be comfortable and allow them to run and stop (not slip) without falling. A sneaker or athletic type shoe is preferred. Students will never be allowed to take their shoes off to participate in an activity. On picture days, field trips, etc. we will provide activities that allow students to dress up and still participate. Flip-flops are never allowed in PE. High heel shoes or shoes with slippery hard soles cause students to slip, fall, and turn ankles, so we will limit activity for students who are not wearing proper footwear.
  • Participation: Participation is mandatory unless a note from a parent, doctor, etc. indicates otherwise for a period of time. Please be sure that we are made aware (in writing) of any modifications that need to be made to your child’s participation. A note to the teacher, nurse, or office will be forwarded to us and will suffice. NOTE: While participation is mandatory, your child will never be required to participate beyond their physical ability to do so safely. They will be encouraged to do their best!



If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.  Email is always the best way.  Thank you!

Mrs. Leyva                                          

Physical Education Teacher               

Lake Whitney Elementary

407-877-8888 X4283

[email protected]