


The Emergency Student Information Form will come home with your student at the beginning of the school year. Please make sure to complete and return this form in a timely manner. If at any time you have a change in phone numbers, please make sure to update your information with the front office. This will eliminate any contact delays should your child become ill or if there is an emergency.

In the school clinic, your child will receive first aid and medical care as needed. Our school nurse cares for students with simple complaints such as scrapes and bruises, to chronic conditions such as diabetes and asthma. Sometimes students come to school feeling well and then become ill at school with fevers, or vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Some students just need a little TLC to help them through the day! If your child develops a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or is found to have head lice, etc., you will be called to pick up your child.

Occasionally, we have medical emergencies where the school nurse will assess the student, call 911 and the parents, in order for emergency services to respond quickly.

Sometimes your student will need medications at school. If the medication is a prescription, please ask your pharmacist to prepare an extra bottle with the prescription label for the school. Our school nurse must receive medication in this prescription bottle, or for OTC medicines, they must be in their original containers. All medications must be brought in by an adult. An Authorization for Medications must be filled out by the parent/guardian before medications can be given. This form can be found on our website. Inhalers and/or EpiPen’s may be carried by the student, but only after the appropriate paperwork is filled out. This also includes a form signed by the physician. If you need this form, please contact the office.

If your child is ill at home during the night with a fever, vomiting or diarrhea, or appears acutely ill when they wake up, please keep them home. We ask that students be kept home until they are no longer vomiting nor have diarrhea for 24 hours. If they have a fever, please keep them home until they are fever free for 24 hours, without the use of fever reducing medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Often they appear well in the morning but after a few hours the fever returns, exposing their friends and teacher to their illness. If a student has head lice, they are sent home for required head lice treatment. OCPS follows a “no-nit” policy. Upon returning to school, the child must first be checked and cleared before they are admitted back into the classroom. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or stop by the clinic.